#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Sample 1 ## Skin ### Multiline Text HTMLText_48D2CD49_5958_2DD6_41D3_842720A0492B.html =

360 VR Tour can simulate existing environment with 360x160 degree visualization. Rotate the image left to right then up and down. Switch places by clicking the available icon
HTMLText_48D2CD49_5958_2DD6_41D3_842720A0492B_mobile.html =

360 VR Tour can simulate existing environment with 360x160 degree visualization. Rotate the image left to right then up and down. Switch places by clicking the available icon
### Label Label_4A39BF2C_5968_6DAE_41C7_A5DC577B0947.text = START Label_4A39BF2C_5968_6DAE_41C7_A5DC577B0947_mobile.text = START ### Tooltip IconButton_4CF121ED_5978_F4AE_41CF_5944CABDDC87.toolTip = VR Mode Mobile Only IconButton_4CF2A1F1_5978_F4B6_41D1_38AC6F214BA6.toolTip = Fullscreen IconButton_4F72C3C3_5978_54DB_4174_FEA675D23155.toolTip = VR Mode Mobile Only IconButton_4F72D3C3_5978_54DB_41C3_F05F26F09F10.toolTip = Fullscreen ## Media ### Title panorama_3C570553_26AE_1FD8_41B4_B8CDFD9D0E39.label = Museum Mandiri 01 REV01 panorama_3F86E39E_26AE_1B48_41B9_00D0F805831F.label = Museum Mandiri 98 panorama_3F86F2FB_26AE_1AC8_41A2_239ACE5AF048.label = Museum Mandiri 99 panorama_3F872FF6_26AE_0AD8_41C1_E63023598274.label = Museum Mandiri Aerial 01