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Bezel buttons and knobs:
• NAV: tune the backup frequency for the selected NAV radio. The double-arrow button will swap the active and backup frequencies. Center-mouse-click ('push') the button to switch between adjusting NAV radio 1 and 2.
• COM: select the backup frequency for the COM radio. The double-arrow button will swap the active and backup frequencies. Center-mouse-click ('push') the button to switch between adjusting COM radio 1 and 2.
• BARO: a center-mouse-click will set the barometer to standard pressure. Turn the knob to set pressure to local conditions.
• RANGE: set the TCAS display scale.
• CLR: clear current entry.
• ENT: accept the current entry.
• FMS: Scroll through the available information displays on the panel screen. When a data field is active use the knob to enter/select information.
• Softkeys: the softkeys are used to select information shown on the display screen. Above each softkey is indicated what function that key will perform.
htmlText_037432AA_32DF_19FE_41B1_C15E58EF25C7.html =
This is a backup for the PFD. The layout mimics that of the PFD, though simplified and in a smaller screen. Around the screen bezel are: + and – buttons to control brightness; cage button resets attitude, barometer setting knob and STD button altimeter to set standard pressure.
htmlText_07FE4648_32DB_78BB_41AC_FD2B99D49843.html =
1. Throttle levers. (You cannot press TO/GA button on the thrust levers. Use the 'cheat' button located on the main panel above autopilot controls)
2. Flap position lever.
3. TO CONFIG – click this button to check the aircraft's takeoff configuration.
4. Emergency Brake lever.
htmlText_08D11269_3167_397D_41A6_7A5ACF71ABA4.html =
Gen 1/2
Set the toggles to put on-line the engine 1 and 2 generators. Standard setting is AUTO.
When the parking brake has been set for approximately 30 seconds to one minute the Ground Power Unit will be available to power the aircraft. Press this button to connect the GPU to the aircraft's electrical system.
Bus Tie
Use the knob to set the electrical bus that is powering the aircraft. Standard setting is AUTO.
Batt 1/2
Use the toggles to connect the batteries to the aircraft's electrical system.
Elec Emer
Powers only the aircraft's vital systems in the event of an electrical failure.
htmlText_097F374D_3167_18BA_41C7_6574BF73E78A.html =
This panel is located above the cockpit windscreen in the VC, or opened by pressing the 'lightbulb' icon (<SHIFT><*>) on the simicon panel.
Here you control the aircraft's lighting systems:
• LDG/TAXI: in the center position the taxi lights are ON. In the upper position the TAXI and LANDING lights are ON.
• NAV: the aircraft position lights will be on when the switch is in the ON position and the aircraft is being powered by the GPU or engine generators.
• STROBE: the airframe strobe lights will flash when the switch is in the ON position.
• CKPT PANEL: the panel backing and flood lights will illuminate when the switch is in the ON position.
htmlText_0DE5D944_31FB_08AA_41A3_7BABC7A9C822.html =
There are 8 (eight) bezel buttons and knobs :
1. NAV
2. COM
5. CLR
6. ENT
7. FMS
8. Softkeys
For further explanation, please re-open training information on Primary Flight Display (PFD)
htmlText_0DED2714_31EE_F8AA_41B7_E533B60416BC.html =
The CORRECT ANSWER are 8 (eight) bezel buttons and knobs.
1. NAV
2. COM
5. CLR
6. ENT
7. FMS
8. Softkeys
For further explanation, please re-open training information on Primary Flight Display (PFD)
htmlText_2A28A3C2_33A7_7FAE_4187_3078E7F3252C.html =
While passengers sit comfortably in an airliner’s cabin enjoying their inflight entertainment systems and meals served onboard (at least on international flights), myriad other activities are going on below the floor under their feet. Starting at the nose of the aircraft, a maze of computers and electronic equipment is housed in the avionics bays located just below the cockpit. Immediately aft of that is the wheel well that holds the retracted nose landing gear inflight, and then the cabin pressurization equipment.
Multiple air-conditioning “packs” are ahead of the forward baggage bay filled with luggage and cargo which is packed in large bins on wide-body aircraft. In the center of the lower fuselage is the wing spar carry-through, sometimes fitted with a center fuel tank on long-range aircraft. Behind the wing box are the main landing gear wells, and then the aft baggage bays. Lavatory service equipment is located in both the forward and aft lower fuselage, and finally the APU or Auxiliary Power Unit is mounted in the tail.
htmlText_3053BA6C_26A8_05E7_4198_1EA9A8E98EC7.html =
If an emergency occurs on the runway, passengers and crew may need to immediately evacuate the plane. Without adapting to outdoor conditions, they may not be fully aware of their surroundings. By opening the shades during takeoffs and landings, it may be easier for individuals to safely exit the plane.
htmlText_702F948C_31BB_F9BA_41C0_9F4C126A0D1E.html =
Based on the tutorial, there are 2 main parts of airplane seat belt:
1. The Buckle
2. Loose End
For further explanation, please re-open SEAT BELT TRAINING VIDEO
htmlText_704DBA7F_31A7_0956_41A3_4906C6DBE5B5.html =
Based on the tutorial, the maximum weight allowed in each overhead bin is 61 pounds (+-27 kilograms). The assist sensor will activated if weight of luggage in the overhead bin reached 61 pounds.
For further explanation, please re-open training video for OVERHEAD BIN ASSIST
htmlText_70534351_31A5_18AA_4191_AFE0AAA914D6.html =
To open the overhead bin assist is simple. Based on the training video, you just have to pull the handle down, and the bin will open automatically. Sensor will detect luggage weight to activate assist.
For further explanation, please re-open training video for OVERHEAD BIN ASSIST
htmlText_70D86948_31A5_08BB_41C7_77FF0E2F9D0A.html =
Based on the tutorial, the maximum weight allowed in each overhead bin is 61 pounds (+-27 kilograms). The assist sensor will activated if weight of luggage in the overhead bin reached 61 pounds.
For further explanation, please re-open training video for OVERHEAD BIN ASSIST
htmlText_70FED135_31E7_18EA_4198_05274A533016.html =
To open the overhead bin assist is simple. Based on the training video, you just have to pull the handle down, and the bin will open automatically. Sensor will detect luggage weight to activate assist.
For further explanation, please re-open training video for OVERHEAD BIN ASSIST
htmlText_712A65FC_31AB_1B5A_41C1_60D6179985DE.html =
When the seat belt light has been turned off, then you have to open the seat belt. All you have to do is lift the flap, and pull the buckle from the loose end.
For further explanation, please re-open SEAT BELT TRAINING VIDEO
htmlText_713CABA2_31EB_0FEF_4199_16C2CAEE584A.html =
The CORRECT ANSWER are 8 (eight) bezel buttons and knobs.
1. NAV
2. COM
5. CLR
6. ENT
7. FMS
8. Softkeys
For further explanation, please re-open training information on Primary Flight Display (PFD)
htmlText_71ADCA1D_31A5_08DA_41C6_D00D76971A25.html =
Based on the tutorial, the maximum weight allowed in each overhead bin is 61 pounds (+-27 kilograms). The assist sensor will activated if weight of luggage in the overhead bin reached 61 pounds.
For further explanation, please re-open training video for OVERHEAD BIN ASSIST
htmlText_71E03236_31AB_38D6_41BB_707801872055.html =
When the seat belt light has been turned off, then you have to open the seat belt. All you have to do is lift the flap, and pull the buckle from the loose end.
For further explanation, please re-open SEAT BELT TRAINING VIDEO
htmlText_71E34C8F_31AD_09B6_41C3_92DA821E0A1E.html =
To open the overhead bin assist is simple. Based on the training video, you just have to pull the handle down, and the bin will open automatically. Sensor will detect luggage weight to activate assist.
For further explanation, please re-open training video for OVERHEAD BIN ASSIST
htmlText_733D12F6_31E5_1956_41C0_4E5BF378D73A.html =
The CORRECT ANSWER are 8 (eight) bezel buttons and knobs.
1. NAV
2. COM
5. CLR
6. ENT
7. FMS
8. Softkeys
For further explanation, please re-open training information on Primary Flight Display (PFD)
htmlText_73F1A848_31A5_08BA_419B_CB8347CC0256.html =
To open the overhead bin assist is simple. Based on the training video, you just have to pull the handle down, and the bin will open automatically. Sensor will detect luggage weight to activate assist.
For further explanation, please re-open training video for OVERHEAD BIN ASSIST
htmlText_76AC5250_31BA_F8AA_41AC_84ABB5AC9E1E.html =
Based on the tutorial, there are 2 main parts of airplane seat belt:
1. The Buckle
2. Loose End
For further explanation, please re-open SEAT BELT TRAINING VIDEO
htmlText_76F8A23C_31A5_18DB_41C7_62230CC70637.html =
When the seat belt light has been turned off, then you have to open the seat belt. All you have to do is lift the flap, and pull the buckle from the loose end.
For further explanation, please re-open SEAT BELT TRAINING VIDEO
htmlText_7712F4A6_31AD_39F6_41B1_7DEE3E55A1F2.html =
When the seat belt light has been turned off, then you have to open the seat belt. All you have to do is lift the flap, and pull the buckle from the loose end.
For further explanation, please re-open SEAT BELT TRAINING VIDEO
htmlText_772BC60B_31AF_18BE_41C3_71F29DB5DB09.html =
Based on the tutorial, the maximum weight allowed in each overhead bin is 61 pounds (+-27 kilograms). The assist sensor will activated if weight of luggage in the overhead bin reached 61 pounds.
For further explanation, please re-open training video for OVERHEAD BIN ASSIST
htmlText_77DB95C6_31A5_3BB6_41C2_B9BF9A4DAD1E.html =
Based on the tutorial, there are 2 main parts of airplane seat belt:
1. The Buckle
2. Loose End
For further explanation, please re-open SEAT BELT TRAINING VIDEO
htmlText_7A87C3D6_31BD_FF56_41C5_B984E8396D0E.html =
Based on the tutorial, there are 2 main parts of airplane seat belt:
1. The Buckle
2. Loose End
For further explanation, please re-open SEAT BELT TRAINING VIDEO
### Title window_02195115_32ED_18AA_41B3_C73FD1B74286.title = PRIMARY FLIGHT DISPLAY (PFD) window_058D879E_32EB_07D6_41B9_F5D5EDC8A224.title = Integrated Standby Instrument System window_07FE3649_32DB_78BD_41C5_FB295A8D3798.title = Center Pedestal Details window_0833D0C6_316B_19B7_4185_02EC491B06B4.title = LIGHT PANELS DETAILS window_0BEF218A_317B_1BBF_41C4_CAB23284F335.title = PHENOM 100 MANUAL BOOK window_0F8B325B_315D_195D_41BC_43ABC2E6813A.title = ELECTRICAL PANEL DETAILS window_18FB2CED_33A7_0975_41C8_9FBCE2B9EB1A.title = What is underneath cabin floor? window_1B27A626_33A7_18F6_41B4_AEF65E570319.title = Why Do Airlines Open the Shades During Takeoff? window_706AB8AA_315B_09FE_41AC_73EBB77C63A2.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect window_71161C79_315B_095A_41B7_14EFEE180C74.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect window_71472C90_31A5_09AB_41B9_F16D08A58E40.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect window_715C0BBB_315D_0FDC_41B3_27EFA26FB696.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect window_71BE6137_31E5_78D6_41B3_13A4E1AD75C7.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect window_71D70696_315D_19D6_41A3_9F214E0E3B26.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect window_73F59B13_31E5_08AE_418C_08DA94CE7560.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect window_74A4F230_31A7_18EB_41B1_E802F6FD9BB1.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect window_74C384A3_31A5_19EE_41C7_7783CC18DEDF.title = Great!! Your Answer is Correct window_76332582_315A_FBAE_41AC_23DD079F3CC3.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect window_7639495A_31A5_0B5E_4196_4C53A91FE65A.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect window_765530CA_315D_F9BF_41C2_2130DF0DDBFD.title = Great!! Your Answer is Correct window_76FB8C47_315B_08B6_41B8_3A4255A286FE.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect window_77194680_31A5_19AA_41C0_55FD4F04FFC1.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect window_771F8D50_31A7_08AA_41C3_3A3B1D42C88D.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect window_772B9F05_315B_08B5_4182_CEB1FEA3D232.title = Great!! Your Answer is Correct window_77E738CB_315D_09BE_41C0_4AC167BAE7B0.title = Great!! Your Answer is Correct window_7906FAD4_31A7_09AB_41AC_4EE2C847EF93.title = Great!! Your Answer is Correct window_7ABF6ACB_31A5_09BE_41A1_8F18FAE620C0.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect window_7AEEDCEE_31A7_0976_41C1_970CAB60A1FE.title = Oops!! Your Answer is Incorrect ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_00606ACD_33AB_09BA_41C4_41422CA078E9.toolTip = Show Primary Flight Display Details HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_02BB70C5_32A5_19B5_41BF_A556F613DD72.toolTip = Show System Information Details HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_030EB90C_335D_08BA_41C1_15D4B418DCF4.toolTip = Show Controller Flight Details HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_04A7FA95_32A5_09D5_41C2_84EFB831AD6B.toolTip = Show Integrated Standby Instrument System HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_04DD95A5_32A5_1BF5_41C2_FBD6C9E286D1.toolTip = Click here to see overall cocpit set up HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_04F528CD_32A7_09BA_41B3_5B344286B3D6.toolTip = Show Rudder and Brake Pedals Details HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_05836FD9_32EF_075A_41B2_D686F9A436C4.toolTip = See full interior layout of Phenom 100 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_059FAE81_315D_09AA_414A_9DCE104EC7F8.toolTip = Overhead Bin Test and Exercise HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_07F32646_32DB_78B7_41BC_7DD7889341BE.toolTip = Show Center Pedestal Details HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_08DA6260_3167_396A_41AB_A642D3F43B34.toolTip = Show Electrical Panel Details HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_09486740_3167_18AA_4198_448F92D87E2A.toolTip = Show Light Panel Details HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_24625EFC_32A5_0D9A_41C5_C4AD8DBB30B8.toolTip = Window Do and Don't Explanation HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_264B2192_3365_1BAE_41A7_2DE87D9EE801.toolTip = Overhead Bin Assist Video Tutorial HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_26EEB635_32BA_F8EA_41A4_30D833205D00.toolTip = Overhead Bin Test and Exercise HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_273051CE_335D_1BB6_4196_74C9FCEC322A.toolTip = Overhead Bin Test and Exercise HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2746BA5D_3365_095A_4199_BDCA515906B3.toolTip = Seat Belt Video Tutorial HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2782C563_3365_1B6E_41C1_6A8CD820F3A3.toolTip = Seat Belt Test and Exercise HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_278F5E6E_3365_0976_41C4_E101144C8C45.toolTip = Seat Belt Test and Exercise HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3B0F50B9_257D_4FE5_41C0_15398D1A91DA.toolTip = Click Here to See Console Panel Details HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3BE76F89_2EA7_0C7B_41B2_1708EEE7DE8C.toolTip = Move to Cockpit View ## Action ### PDF PopupPDFBehaviour_09BBCB01_32AF_08AA_41C6_AA9256E18AD5.url = files/Phenom_100_Manual_1.3_en.pdf ### URL LinkBehaviour_193C3A35_17FF_A430_41B6_3D29DA447B15.source = https://visualanaknegeri.com/ LinkBehaviour_1F1CC896_1367_F82B_41AE_AB1EE483B908.source = http://www.loremipsum.com LinkBehaviour_1F1CD896_1367_F82B_41AB_BB8097DB276F.source = http://www.loremipsum.com LinkBehaviour_34F632E5_21CD_8A79_41B2_1F6C85D971FB.source = https://visualanaknegeri.com/ ## E-Learning ### Answer questionOption_045319F2_315D_0B6E_419E_E08B3C7145DE.text = 6 Buttons and Knobs questionOption_0453C9F2_315D_0B6E_41B6_33777D937BE2.text = 9 Buttons and Knobs questionOption_0453E9F2_315D_0B6E_41B9_D3B2F0C3F0D8.text = 7 Buttons and Knobs questionOption_0453F9F2_315D_0B6E_41BB_C1A1E108D1AC.text = 8 Buttons and Knobs questionOption_07AEB865_1FCD_C500_419F_3265496F3829.text = 41 pounds questionOption_07AEC865_1FCD_C500_41B0_410AFFDB5492.text = 51 pounds questionOption_07AED865_1FCD_C500_41A0_BC81F671F9A6.text = 61 pounds questionOption_07AEE865_1FCD_C500_41A9_8948CB6938D5.text = 71 pounds questionOption_0897BE3D_1ED4_5D00_41A5_B2F26CB13C8F.text = Push the flap questionOption_08AA151C_1ED4_4F00_4174_57F3194CAA88.text = Pull the belt questionOption_08E5D33E_1ED4_CB00_41B1_849CC5D2DD89.text = Push the open button questionOption_0BF16BE1_1EF4_DB03_41BD_B28E22C2336B.text = Lift the flap questionOption_323D1D34_26F8_1F67_41B8_6657E8C0DB95.text = Belt and loose end questionOption_323D3D34_26F8_1F67_4193_9DEBDAF190BE.text = Belt and buckle questionOption_323D4D34_26F8_1F67_41B9_BC56568BEC85.text = Buckle and loose end questionOption_323D7D34_26F8_1F67_41BC_3EFF280A4AC5.text = Buckle and handle questionOption_35629746_26E8_0B23_41C2_EAD008C333D4.text = Pull the handle down questionOption_3562B746_26E8_0B23_41AC_5A35C71BD345.text = Push the open button questionOption_3562C746_26E8_0B2C_41BF_8E7A27F0B05C.text = Open by sensor on the bottom questionOption_3562E746_26E8_0B23_41C0_E6B7DD975D57.text = Open by remote ### Qualification calification_072DAD41_1F74_DF00_41BB_FA7DED0BC07F.text = Good! Keep learning calification_072DBD41_1F74_DF00_41B3_A3FB82570360.text = Exellent! But not perfect calification_072E2D3F_1F74_DF00_41BE_003B1749BDD5.text = Perfect !! calification_09FC6517_31AB_18D5_41C0_A8727C7D182B.text = You need to try again ### Score Name score1.label = Training Score ### Question question_0449A9EE_315D_0B76_41BB_BD6F5D14A904.title = Based on explanation for PRIMARY FLIGHT DISPLAY. How many bezel buttons and knobs to operate the airplane? question_07AEA864_1FCD_C501_41B2_FAE1DD3969B3.title = Based on the tutorial, what is the maximum weight allowed in each overhead bin? question_088BF996_1EF4_C700_41B1_CB747E328978.title = If the plane has landed, and the seat belt light has been turned off, then you must open the seat belt. How to unbuckle airplane seat belt properly? question_323D2D34_26F8_1F67_41BC_9E4C3620C733.title = There are 2 main parts of a seat belt based on explanation video, what are they? question_3562A746_26E8_0B23_41AB_0EE6812B3E43.title = How to use the overhead bin is very easy, we just open it, then we put the luggage in, and close it again. After watching the tutorial, do you know how to open the overhead bin? ### Question Screen quizQuestion_1834EDFF_17E3_5C30_4181_6D9AAE7CDFF4.ok = OK ### Report Screen quizScore_1836DE00_17E3_5FD0_41B0_275095A81248.completion = Completed quizScore_1836DE00_17E3_5FD0_41B0_275095A81248.downloadCSV = Download .csv quizScore_1836DE00_17E3_5FD0_41B0_275095A81248.elapsedTime = Time quizScore_1836DE00_17E3_5FD0_41B0_275095A81248.items = Items Found quizScore_1836DE00_17E3_5FD0_41B0_275095A81248.questions = Questions quizScore_1836DE00_17E3_5FD0_41B0_275095A81248.questionsCorrect = Correct quizScore_1836DE00_17E3_5FD0_41B0_275095A81248.questionsIncorrect = Incorrect quizScore_1836DE00_17E3_5FD0_41B0_275095A81248.repeat = Repeat quizScore_1836DE00_17E3_5FD0_41B0_275095A81248.submitToLMS = Submit quizScore_1836DE00_17E3_5FD0_41B0_275095A81248.title = - SCORE - ### Timeout Screen quizTimeout_18330DFF_17E3_5C30_419B_5C7B9DF953CB.repeat = Repeat quizTimeout_18330DFF_17E3_5C30_419B_5C7B9DF953CB.score = View Score quizTimeout_18330DFF_17E3_5C30_419B_5C7B9DF953CB.title = - TIMEOUT -